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The Mugnai Family Website
Chicago, Ill
It says:
Honorable Sisters:
I am
very sorry to state that
I am at present unable
to remit the funds you
asked for. Work is
very slack and am
unable to remit.
more if you think it
is very necessary for
the operation of
Elda Mugnai well
then you can go
through it but
unless it is very
necessary I wish
you wouldn't do it.
Hoping all this
is satisfactory and
assuring you that
as soon as I can
possibly remit I will
do so.
Yours very respectfully
Mrs. Mugnai
This letter was written for my grandmother by another person. I know this because my aunt's name is spelled wrong. The letter is explaning that my grandmother does not have enough money to pay for Alda's tonsil removal.