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1 Head Cauliflower
1 stick Butter
Garlic Powder and Garlic Salt (To taste)
(You can use fresh Garlic also)

Break caulifower into flowerets and add some water and salt to bottom of the pot, throw in Cauliflower.  Steam until softened,not mushy and drain.  In the same pot simmer butter, garlic powder and garlic salt (not to much of the garlic salt). When that has simmered fold in  the Cauliflower. Here's where you taste.  The amount of Garlic Powder and Garlic Salt is to taste.  But, you can over do it. Just ask me! 

Story: This was Aunt Nell's recipe that I was able to watch her make.  She was one of the best cooks ever.

When Aunt Nell and Uncle Jimmy used to come to Florida for the winter, they would either come and visit or we would go and see them in Sun city, Florida.  If we went there Aunt Nell always put on a feast.  She would make Spagetti with different meats, she would fry some of the best chicken around, make the cauliflower and top it with her famous Pineapple upside down cake.

When they would visit our house in Sarasota she would make not one but two cakes for us.
If she knew you liked something she always made it.

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